National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)
India has been addressing climate change as one of the key national priorities. India launched its National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in 2008 with eight National Missions. The eight missions under the NAPCC include the national solar mission, national mission for enhanced energy efficiency, national mission on sustainable habitat, national water mission, national mission for sustaining the Himalayan ecosystem, national mission for a green India, national mission for sustainable agriculture, and national mission on strategic knowledge for climate change. All these missions are being implemented by the respective Ministries and Departments and are being coordinated by MoEFCC.
Now in the post 2020 period, in view of the emerging climate change reality, the focus is on enhancing activities under the National Missions with respect to adaptation, mitigation and capacity building and undertake additional interventions like launch of new Missions such as on Health and Coastal areas. A slew of measures has been undertaken by the government to drive domestic action on climate change including constitution of the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change (PMCCC) for constant review of all National Missions. An Executive Council on Climate Change (ECCC) has also been set to support PMCCC. In addition, MoEFCC has set-up a National Steering Committee for Climate Change.